Package: yorkr 0.0.41

yorkr: Analyze Cricket Performances Based on Data from Cricsheet

Analyzing performances of cricketers and cricket teams based on 'yaml' match data from Cricsheet <>.

Authors:Tinniam V Ganesh

yorkr.pdf |yorkr.html
yorkr/json (API)

# Install 'yorkr' in R:
install.packages('yorkr', repos = c('', ''))

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Last updated 1 years agofrom:c0b907e41b. Checks:OK: 7. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 30 2024
R-4.5-winOKAug 30 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKAug 30 2024
R-4.4-winOKAug 30 2024
R-4.4-macOKAug 30 2024
R-4.3-winOKAug 30 2024
R-4.3-macOKAug 30 2024



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Help pageTopics
Batsman's cumulative average runsbatsmanCumulativeAverageRuns
Batsman's cumulative average strike ratebatsmanCumulativeStrikeRate
Dismissal type of batsmenbatsmanDismissals
Batsman's total runs, fours and sixesbatsmanFoursSixes
Moving average of batsmanbatsmanMovingAverage
Batsman runs against different oppositionsbatsmanRunsAgainstOpposition
Predict deliveries to runs scoredbatsmanRunsPredict
Batsman runs at different venuesbatsmanRunsVenue
Runs versus deliveries facedbatsmanRunsVsDeliveries
Batsman runs versus strike ratebatsmanRunsVsStrikeRate
Performance of batsman vs bowlerbatsmanVsBowlerPerf
Plot the batsman win probability contribution using Deep Learning modelbatsmanWinProbDL
Plot the batsman win probability using Logistic Regression modelbatsmanWinProbLR
Bowler's cumulative average economy ratebowlerCumulativeAvgEconRate
Bowler's cumulative average wicketsbowlerCumulativeAvgWickets
Number of deliveries to wicketsbowlerDeliveryWickets
Mean economy rate versus number of oversbowlerMeanEconomyRate
Mean runs conceded versus oversbowlerMeanRunsConceded
Bowler's moving average of wicketsbowlerMovingAverage
Performance of bowler vs batsmanbowlerVsBatsmanPerf
Bowler wickets versus different teamsbowlerWicketsAgainstOpposition
Bowler performance at different venuesbowlerWicketsVenue
Plot the Bowler win probability contribution using Deep Learning modelbowlerWinProbDL
Plot the bowler win probability using Logistic Regression modelbowlerWinProbLR
Predict the deliveries required to wicketsbowlerWktsPredict
Convert and save all Yaml files to dataframesconvertAllYaml2RDataframes
Convert and save all T20 Yaml files to dataframesconvertAllYaml2RDataframesT20
Converts and save yaml files to dataframesconvertYaml2RDataframe
Converts and save T20 yaml files to dataframesconvertYaml2RDataframeT20
Get data on all matches against all oppositiongetAllMatchesAllOpposition
Get data on all matches between 2 opposing teamsgetAllMatchesBetweenTeams
Get batting details of batsman from matchgetBatsmanDetails
Gets the BBL batting detailsgetBBLBattingDetails
Gets the BBL bowling detailsgetBBLBowlingDetails
Get the bowling details of a bowlergetBowlerWicketDetails
Gets the CPL batting detailsgetCPLBattingDetails
Gets the CPL bowling detailsgetCPLBowlingDetails
Get datframe of deliveries bowled and wickets takengetDeliveryWickets
Gets the IPL batting detailsgetIPLBattingDetails
Gets the IPL bowling detailsgetIPLBowlingDetails
Get match details of 2 countriesgetMatchDetails
Gets the NTB batting detailsgetNTBBattingDetails
Gets the NTB bowling detailsgetNTBBowlingDetails
Gets the ODI batting detailsgetODIBattingDetails
Gets the ODI bowling detailsgetODIBowlingDetails
Gets the PSL batting detailsgetPSLBattingDetails
Gets the PSL bowling detailsgetPSLBowlingDetails
Gets the SSM batting detailsgetSSMBattingDetails
Gets the SSM bowling detailsgetSSMBowlingDetails
Gets the T20 batting detailsgetT20BattingDetails
Gets the T20 bowling detailsgetT20BowlingDetails
Get team batting detailsgetTeamBattingDetails
Get the team bowling detailsgetTeamBowlingDetails
Gets the WBB batting detailsgetWBBBattingDetails
Gets the WBB bowling detailsgetWBBBowlingDetails
Gets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframehelper
Gets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframe from the yearhelper1
Gets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframehelper2
Gets min,max date and min and max matches from dataframe for the yearhelper3
Plot the match worm graphmatchWormGraph
Plot the match worm wicket graphmatchWormWicketGraph
Plot the Runs vs SR in death overs of Intl. T20 batsmenoverallRunsSRDeathOversPlotT20
Plot the Runs vs SR in middle overs of Intl. T20 batsmenoverallRunsSRMiddleOversPlotT20
Plot the Runs vs SR of Intl. T20 batsmenoverallRunsSRPlotT20
Plot the Runs vs SR in power play of T20 batsmenoverallRunsSRPPowerplayPlotT20
Plot the Wickets vs ER in death overs of Intl. T20 batsmenoverallWicketsERDeathOversPlotT20
Plot the Wickets vs ER in middle overs of Intl. T20 batsmenoverallWicketsERMiddleOversPlotT20
Ranks the T20 bowlersoverallWicketsERPlotT20
Plot the Wickets vs ER in power play of Intl. T20 batsmenoverallWicketsERPowerPlayPlotT20
Parse yaml file and convert to dataframeparseYamlOver
Plot wins for each teamplotWinLossBetweenTeams
Plot wins for each teamplotWinLossTeamVsAllTeams
Ranks the ODI batsmenrankODIBatsmen
Ranks the ODI bowlersrankODIBowlers
Ranks the T20 batsmenrankT20Batsmen
Ranks the T20 bowlersrankT20Bowlers
Saves matches of all opposition as dataframesaveAllMatchesAllOpposition
Saves matches against all BBL teams as dataframe for an BBL teamsaveAllMatchesAllOppositionBBLT20
Saves matches against all CPL teams as dataframe for an CPL teamsaveAllMatchesAllOppositionCPLT20
Saves matches against all IPL teams as dataframe for an IPL teamsaveAllMatchesAllOppositionIPLT20
Saves matches against all NTB teams as dataframe for an NTB teamsaveAllMatchesAllOppositionNTBT20
Saves matches against all PSL teams as dataframe for an PSL teamsaveAllMatchesAllOppositionPSLT20
Saves matches against all SSM teams as dataframe for an SSM teamsaveAllMatchesAllOppositionSSMT20
Saves matches against all WBB teams as dataframe for an WBB teamsaveAllMatchesAllOppositionWBBT20
Saves all matches between 2 BBL teams as dataframesaveAllMatchesBetween2BBLTeams
Saves all matches between 2 CPL teams as dataframesaveAllMatchesBetween2CPLTeams
Saves all matches between 2 IPL teams as dataframesaveAllMatchesBetween2IPLTeams
Saves all matches between 2 NTB teams as dataframesaveAllMatchesBetween2NTBTeams
Saves all matches between 2 PSL teams as dataframesaveAllMatchesBetween2PSLTeams
Saves all matches between 2 SSM teams as dataframesaveAllMatchesBetween2SSMTeams
Saves all matches between 2 WBB teams as dataframesaveAllMatchesBetween2WBBTeams
Saves all matches between 2 teams as dataframesaveAllMatchesBetweenTeams
Save all T20 batting detailssaveAllT20BattingDetails
Save all T20 batting detailssaveAllT20BowlingDetails
Overall picture Ranks the T20 batsmensaveAllT20MatchesAsDF
Used to parse yaml filespecialProc
Team batting partnership against a opposition all matchesteamBatsmenPartnershiOppnAllMatches
Team batting partnership in all matches all oppositionsteamBatsmenPartnershipAllOppnAllMatches
Plots team batting partnership all matches all oppositionsteamBatsmenPartnershipAllOppnAllMatchesPlot
Team batting partnerships of batsmen in a matchteamBatsmenPartnershipMatch
Plot of team partnership all matches against an oppositionteamBatsmenPartnershipOppnAllMatchesChart
Plot of Team batsmen vs bowlers against all opposition all matchesteamBatsmenVsBowlersAllOppnAllMatchesPlot
Report of team batsmen vs bowlers in all matches all oppositionsteamBatsmenVsBowlersAllOppnAllMatchesRept
Team batsmen against bowlers in a matchteamBatsmenVsBowlersMatch
Team batsmen vs bowlers all matches of an oppositionteamBatsmenVsBowlersOppnAllMatches
Gets the team batting details.teamBattingPerfDetails
Team batting scorecard against all oppositions in all matchesteamBattingScorecardAllOppnAllMatches
Team batting scorecard of a team in a matchteamBattingScorecardMatch
Team batting scorecard of a team in all matches against an oppositionteamBattingScorecardOppnAllMatches
Compute team bowlers vs batsmen all opposition all matchesteamBowlersVsBatsmenAllOppnAllMatchesMain
Plot bowlers vs batsmen against all opposition all matchesteamBowlersVsBatsmenAllOppnAllMatchesPlot
report of Team bowlers vs batsmen against all opposition all matchesteamBowlersVsBatsmenAllOppnAllMatchesRept
Team bowlers vs batsmen in a matchteamBowlersVsBatsmenMatch
Team bowlers vs batsmen against an opposition in all matchesteamBowlersVsBatsmenOppnAllMatches
Team bowlers wicket kind against an opposition in all matchesteamBowlersWicketKindOppnAllMatches
Team bowlers wicket runs against an opposition in all matchesteamBowlersWicketRunsOppnAllMatches
Team bowlers wickets against an opposition in all matchesteamBowlersWicketsOppnAllMatches
get team bowling performance detailsteamBowlingPerfDetails
team bowling performance all matches against an oppositionteamBowlingPerfOppnAllMatches
Team bowling scorecard all opposition all matchesteamBowlingScorecardAllOppnAllMatches
Team bowling scorecard all opposition all matches MainteamBowlingScorecardAllOppnAllMatchesMain
Compute and return the bowling scorecard of a team in a matchteamBowlingScorecardMatch
team bowling wicket kind against all opposition all matchesteamBowlingWicketKindAllOppnAllMatches
Compute and plot the wicket kinds by bowlers in matchteamBowlingWicketKindMatch
Compute and plot wickets by bowlers in matchteamBowlingWicketMatch
Team bowling wicket runs all matches against all oppositionsteamBowlingWicketRunsAllOppnAllMatches
Team bowling wickets runs conceded in matchteamBowlingWicketRunsMatch
Compute the ER in powerplay, middle and death oversteamERAcrossOvers
Compute the ER by team against all team in powerplay, middle and death overs in all matchesteamERAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches
Compute the ER by team against team in powerplay, middle and death overs in all matchesteamERAcrossOversOppnAllMatches
Compute the runs in powerplay, middle and death oversteamRunsAcrossOvers
Compute the runs by team against all team in powerplay, middle and death oversteamRunsAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches
Compute the runs by team against team in powerplay, middle and death oversteamRunsAcrossOversOppnAllMatches
Team batting plots runs vs SR in death overs for team against all oppositions in all matchesteamRunSRDeathOversPlotAllOppnAllMatches
Team batting plots runs vs SR in death overs for team in matchteamRunSRDeathOversPlotMatch
Team batting plots runs vs SR in death overs for team against opposition in all matchesteamRunSRDeathOversPlotOppnAllMatches
Team batting plots runs vs SR in middle overs for team against all oppositions in all matchesteamRunsSRMiddleOversPlotAllOppnAllMatches
Team batting plots runs vs SR for team against all oppositions in all matchesteamRunsSRPlotAllOppnAllMatches
Team Runs vs SR in matchteamRunsSRPlotMatch
Team batting Runs vs SR against oppositions in all matchesteamRunsSRPlotOppnAllMatches
Team batting plots runs vs SR in middle overs for team in matchteamRunsSRPMiddleOversPlotMatch
Team batting plots runs vs SR in middle overs for team against opposition in all matchesteamRunsSRPMiddleOversPlotOppnAllMatches
Team batting plots runs vs SR in powerplay for team against all oppositions in all matchesteamRunsSRPowerPlayPlotAllOppnAllMatches
Team batting plots runs vs SR in powerplay for team in matchteamRunsSRPowerPlayPlotMatch
Team batting plots runs vs SR in powerplay for team against opposition in all matchesteamRunsSRPowerPlayPlotOppnAllMatches
Compute the Strike Rate in powerplay, middle and death oversteamSRAcrossOvers
Compute the strike rate by team against all team in powerplay, middle and death overs in all matchesteamSRAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches
Compute the strike rate by team against team in powerplay, middle and death overs in all matchesteamSRAcrossOversOppnAllMatches
Team wickets vs ER in death overs against opposition all matchesteamWicketERDeathOversPlotOppnAllMatches
Team wickets vs ER in middle overs against all opposition all matchesteamWicketERMiddleOversPlotAllOppnAllMatches
Team wickets vs ER in middle overs against a pposition all matchesteamWicketERMiddleOversPlotOppnAllMatches
Team wickets vs ER in powewrplay against opposition all matchesteamWicketERPowerPlayPlotOppnAllMatches
Compute the wickets in powerplay, middle and death oversteamWicketsAcrossOvers
Compute the wickets by team against all team in powerplay, middle and death overs in all matchesteamWicketsAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches
Compute the wickets by team against team in powerplay, middle and death overs in all matchesteamWicketsAcrossOversOppnAllMatches
Team wickets vs ER in death overs against all opposition all matchesteamWicketsERDeathOversPlotAllOppnAllMatches
Team wickets vs ER in death overs against opposition in matchteamWicketsERDeathOversPlotMatch
Team wickets vs ER in middle overs against opposition in matchteamWicketsERMiddleOversPlotMatch
Team wickets vs ER against all opposition all matchesteamWicketsERPlotAllOppnAllMatches
Team wickets vs ER against in matchteamWicketsERPlotMatch
Team wickets vs ER against all opposition all matchesteamWicketsERPlotOppnAllMatches
Team wickets vs ER in powewrplay against all opposition all matchesteamWicketsERPowerPlayPlotAllOppnAllMatches
Team wickets vs ER in powewrplay against opposition in matchteamWicketsERPowerPlayPlotMatch
Compute the best ER by bowlers against all team in powerplay, middle and death overstopERBowlerAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches
Compute the best ER by bowlers against team in powerplay, middle and death overstopERBowlerAcrossOversOppnAllMatches
Compute the most runs scored by batsmen against all team in powerplay, middle and death overstopRunsBatsmenAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches
Compute the most runs scored by batsmen against team in powerplay, middle and death overstopRunsBatsmenAcrossOversOppnAllMatches
Compute the highest SR by batsmen against all team in powerplay, middle and death overstopSRBatsmenAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches
Compute the highest SR by batsmen against team in powerplay, middle and death overstopSRBatsmenAcrossOversOppnAllMatches
Compute the most wickets by bowlers against all team in powerplay, middle and death overstopWicketsBowlerAcrossOversAllOppnAllMatches
Compute the best ER by bowlers against team in powerplay, middle and death overstopWicketsBowlerAcrossOversOppnAllMatches
Plot the win probability using Deep Learning modelwinProbabilityDL
Plot the win probability using GAN modelwinProbabilityGAN
Plot the win probability using Logistic Regression modelwinProbabilityLR
Plot the win probability using Random Forest modelwinProbabilityRF